
Pam’s certifications include:

  • STOTT® Full Level One Pilates Instructor

  • ACE® Certified Personal Trainer

  • ACE® Certified Behavior Specialist

  • ACE® Certified Group Instructor

  • Certified Functional Training Specialist

  • Certified Pain-Free Movement Specialist

  • Certified Behavior Change Specialist

  • Certified PWR Parkinson’s Trainer

  • Bosu Master Trainer

  • Nutrition Coach

Additional specialties include metabolic fitness, rehabilitation, body toning, and weight loss.   I have run programs helping groups of people enjoy fitness again and groups of women to address the symptoms and side effects of menopause.

With over 20 years of experience, and several life experiences that has helped shape me to become a fitness coach who understands life’s challenges, I am an empathetic and caring fitness coach.  I started out as a personal trainer, but as my body began to show the negative side effects of pushing it too hard, I found Pilates as an answer to stay in shape while being kind to my body by fusing traditional training, Pilates, and rehab-related exercises together. I am passionate about helping people overcome obstacles to reach their health and fitness goals through a combination of fitness training and mind/body connection. My goal is to help each individual understand their body and what it takes for them to get the results they desire through positive encouragement and education.

I continually studying health and fitness to keep updated on the newest information and expand my knowledge.  My understanding of the body and years of experience enable me to modify exercise for clients individually so they can get the most benefit out of their exercise experience.



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